Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Peter Pan Recall

Guess what? My huge, 3 lbs. 8 oz. jar of Creamy Peter Pan Peanut Butter has been recalled. Most importantly, I just realized this. I don't listen to the news on television or radio very much. Most new I get is directly from the internet on my MSN home page.

While having pretty severe computer problems the last two days, I haven't seen any news. Today, my computer was kind enough to let me read my news. I saw the picture of the jar and thought, wow, that's the brand I buy. Then I noticed that they said the product number started with "2111". Okay, best check my jar later just to be sure.

While I was preparing dinner, I was looking for a seasoning and saw my jar of peanut butter. I looked at the top of the yellow lid and started to read the number imprinted. 211163..... Oh wow!, I thought, isn't that the number they said the recalled peanut butter was.

I went straight to the living room where my husband was sitting in his favorite chair and told him about the recall and showed him our lid. His immediate response was, maybe that's why we were so sick. I thought about it and realized that we had a bout with stomach pains and diarrhea and we just couldn't figure out at the time what was wrong with us. We'd canceled plans with friends and pretty much had a terrible week. I even remember going over what we ate one day and telling my husband, all that I had eaten that day was the peanut butter and jelly toast I had made for each of us before we went to work. Go figure.....

So, this morning, I decided to find out a bit more of what was going on with this recall. It seems that the jars will be replaced by the retailer now along with the original plan of consumers mailing in their lid of peanut butter. I was happy to see that I could return my jar to Walmart and get it replaced, (it's a large jar, 3lbs....I purchase large items at Walmart because of the savings).

One interesting thought though. When I googled in Peter Pan Recall, one of the first things I see is an ad from a lawyers firm regarding the recall of Peter Pan Peanut Butter. What? Sue? Sounds crazy to me. I'm definitely not going to do that. I seem to be okay. And they are going to replace my jar of peanut butter. Also, they aren't even sure if it is true, they are being cautious, which satisfies me....along with that replacement jar.

So, take your peanut butter back to the store and have it replaced or you can mail the lid to:
ConAgra Foods
P.O. Box 3768
Omaha, NE 68103

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