Tuesday, December 5, 2006


It seems that here lately, Myspace is back to having more and more security problems. Countless times I have gone to log in and I end up at a fake log in page. Or, at least it looks fake to me. There is a music background instead of the normal one I am used to seeing.

What I do, instead of logging in through this page, is type the first letter of my login username and hit 'Enter'. It then takes me to a login page that I feel comfortable logging into. I also look at the url to be sure it says ' login.myspace'.

Next, when I go to type in my username and password, I make sure that the background is white and not a funny beige color. Looks safe to me, so I log in and I'm good.

Here is the important part. I go to my Account Settings and I change my password, just to be safe. I've probably changed my password 10 times in the last month.

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